Facebook is on track to take in several billion dollars in advertising revenue this year, which is weird because we have never actually clicked on a single Facebook ad ever. But liquor giant Diageo ran a study that found Facebook ads for two products in particular make people leave their computers and run to the store: Smirnoff and Baileys.

Facebook ads and promotions spiked in-store sales of the brand name vodka and irish cream up to 20 percent, a Nielsen "basket scanning" study tells Diageo. The liquor maker is now asking "how can we ramp this up," a vice president tells the Financial Times. "Facebook are working with us to make sure that we are not only fan collecting but that they are actively engaged." Facebook is doing all sorts of things to make sure its users are "actively engaged" in reaching for the nearest bottle of vodka? We've suspected as much for years.

[Pic: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, via Zuckerberg/Facebook]