Make MILF Plaza Your Next NYC Hotel Destination

A reader sent in this photo of MILF PLAZA, an affordable cougar den conveniently located in the heart of New York's theater district. Remember to use the discount code MINIVAN for an additional 15% off your nightly rate!
Wait, what's that you say? That's actually the sign for the Milford Plaza, a Times Square hotel that doesn't exclusively cater to — though would certainly not turn away! — a clientele of sexually ripe suburban moms and the pimple-faced Linkin Park aficionados who lust after them?
Clearly, we needed to get to the bottom of this — which is exactly what we did. We called MILF PLAZA. A nice operator lady answered. This is the conversation that followed:
Milford Plaza Operator: Good evening, thank you for calling The Milford. How can I help you?
Gawker: Hey, I work for a website called Gawker. Someone sent us a photo of your sign. The hotel has a red neon sign outside, right?
Yes, they do.
And, well, the O-R-D...
Yes. Is out. It's currently out, yeah.
Are people there aware of what "MILF" means?
I think so. I do think so. I mean, I told someone what it means, and they were laughing. It wasn't a manager or anything like that — but you would think they would want to fix that. I don't know what they're doing to fix it. I really don't.
So you don't think it was intentional? Perhaps an attempt to fill empty rooms with the promise of "25 Super-Hot Mom Suites, 50 8th-Grade-Boy Junior Suites, no rules?"
Oh, no no no no. No! Because we're undergoing renovations. But you'd think with the renovations, that they'd fix it.
Yes. You would. Hm.
I could transfer you over to Human Resources, and you could ask them?
That won't be necessary. Thank you!
You're very welcome. [Milford Plaza]