The town of Conway, Arkansas is being haunted by a man who compliments women on their feet, then tries to suck on their toes. Is it the infamous "Toe-Sucking Fairy" of the 1990s, or some younger, copycat wannabe?

Conway cops are not sure yet: The O.G. Fairy, Michael Robert Wyatt, was once arrested for pretending to be a podiatrist and camping out at, uh, a clothing store in search of victims. Wouldn't a shoe store have been a more appropriate place? I'm so naive about these things! Anyway, in 1991 he was arrested again after telling a convenience store clerk "that he wanted to cut off her feet and suck her toes while she bled to death," reports MSNBC; for that he went to prison. In 1999 he was arrested again after asking a woman at Walmart if she wanted him to amputate her feet and showing her "pictures of women with no feet." What a salesman!

In the past week, Conway cops have received two complaints about a man who "seems desperate" to suck on women's toes. One victim, 83-year-old Ruth Harris, describes the man's approach:

Harris ... told police that she was sitting in a chair in front of her apartment.

A man approached her and said he liked her feet. According to a police report, the man took off one of her shoes and began sucking on her toe.

"The man then asked if he could kiss her and she had told him no and told him he was crazy," the report stated.

Then another woman complained that a man with "messed up toes" approached her at the mall and asked her to suck her toes, which he deemed "long and succulent." When her phone rang, he went away.

Hmmm, what do you think? It's definitely not the toe-sucking bandit of Pennsylvania, because he's in prison for at least 57 years. It's probably not the Minnesota Toe Licker, because he seems too cross-eyed to make it to Arkansas.

If you have any hot crime tips, maybe call the Conway PD. Or if you like having your toes sucked (or cut off), maybe call the Toe-Sucking Fairy.

[MSNBC, Image via Shutterstock]