Page Six Magazine, august journal of taste and glamour, this weekend will feature a blowout article on a profoundly influential group of power brokers, "Modern Mad Men," a.k.a. people who tweet professionally. Because there really is no job more elegant than social media manager, right?

"They have an inordinate amount of responsibility," ad man Rick Webb tells the New York Post insert. "All my friends are jealous of my job," says Josh Pelz, who tweets for Hotel Gansevoort. Sarah Epler, a.k.a. @MTV, and Cannon Hodge, @Bergdorfs, join Pelz holding martinis in a photo shoot meant, obviously, to evoke Sterling Cooper.

It's basically the media's eternal function to glamorize quotidian life, but there's something really sad about its rush to transform the isolating, keyboard tapping jobs of our web-tastic future into something more human and indulgent and old fashioned. It would be nice if launching an internet startup was half as amazing as Aaron Sorkin and Ben Mezrich made it seem, or if being a hacker involved trips to NORAD and holding actual philosophical conversations with computers, or if being a social media manager was not grubby thankless work involving mostly typing and staring at a computer screen, but pretending that ingesting RSS feeds and writing PHP is basically analogous to attending endless cocktail parties just makes the job all the more depressing. Not that we're personally touchy about this topic or anything.

(Sadly this magazine article is not yet online for you to enjoy, hence no links. Now if you'll excuse us, we have to go mix another Old Fashioned.)