Obese Babysitter Dies, Smothering Infant

Long Island babysitter Teresa Coffey collapsed and died while taking care of month-old infant—the son of local TV host Michael Baldwin—falling on the child and, apparently, smothering it to death.
And, well, there is basically no detail in this story that is not completely and horrible and tragic and sad. According to Baldwin, Coffey had been "asking forever if she could watch my baby because she couldn't have children." While babysitting, she called Baldwin and left a message asking for him to call her back; he couldn't reach her and arriving home, found her lying dead on the floor:
"I searched every room," Baldwin tearfully recounted yesterday. "I was saying his name, 'Michael! Michael!' "
When his search failed, Baldwin said he returned to the living room, where Coffey, 39, was "slumped on the couch, face down, her knees on the floor . . . I just had this funny feeling she was on top of him.
She was. Both infant and babysitter were pronounced dead at Huntington Hospital. Coffey, who was 5'6" and 200 pounds, was apparently suffering from health problems, and she was found with a bottle of prescription pills.