Are you ready for a brand new talk about fa-fa-fa-fa-fashion? Well, you've come to the right place! As is our weekly wont, a bunch of us are live-blogging tonight's Project Runway episode in the comments, and you're invited. Join us!

Here's how it works: We all watch the show (which airs on Lifetime at 9 pm Eastern) and post a running commentary on the proceedings in the comments section below. Also, many of us drink, eat and/or inhale things while we're at it, just to help pass the time. It's called multitasking!

And you were all one very productive bunch last week, let me tell you. Among other things, y'all produced a plethora of perceptive observations. For example:

  • bread_and_potatoes observed that there are only maybe 12 people who look good in jumpsuits, and four of them are Ghostbusters.
  • BabyJane observed that the dress that got Julie eliminated looked like the shirt that Denise Huxtable made for her brother Theo on The Cosby Show.
  • BrownSugar***s observed that "nobody looks good in kelly green except the Lucky Charms dude."
  • Saxon 212 observed that Sad Cecelia is "the cartoon lady from the Cymbalta ads come to life." (Except I think they may Abilify ads? Either way, Cecelia is like the anti-antidepressant.)

And there were many more witty comments where those came from! I've collected a few of my favorites.

OK, on to tonight's episode—it looks like an eventful one. For example, based on what I what I glimpsed in the previews, Olivier will fall down on a running track and die. They killed Olivier! Or at least, he looked pretty dead. But here's what I predict will happen: Olivier's disembodied soul will refuse to go into the light, and return to his body—and when he comes to he'll suddenly, inexplicably, start speaking with a French accent and pronouncing the second letter "i" in his name.

That probably won't happen, actually. But here are a few things that will:

  • The designers will compete in teams of three, which will produce lots of drama. Burt will say, "Drop dead!" Josh will ask, "Drop dead?" Becky will cry and run into the bathroom. Cecelia will watch it all happen and look sad, sad, sad.
  • Anthony will say, "I haven't gotten this pissed since I got cancer." If he was really clever, he'd work a reference to his colorblindness in there as well—for example: "I'm so mad right now I'm seeing red...or is it green?"
  • Tonight's guest judge will be supermodel Erin Wasson. Here is a picture of her topless, holding a papier-mâché animal head above her own head-just for the benefit of any papier-mâché-animal-head fans out there. Topless-supermodel fans will probably like it too.

OK, multitaskers, it's almost 9. If you want anything to drink, eat and/or inhale as you live blog, go grab it now, because the show's about to start. I'll see you down in the comments!