A man in the New York City neighborhood of Washington Heights brought the terror that Shake-n-Quake '11 failed to deliver by allegedly stabbing four elderly people—three women and a man—with a ten-inch knife, killing the man. He also punched out a 22-year-old neighbor. Witnesses say he was "emotionally disturbed." Bit of an understatement there.

According to the New York Times, NYPD spokesman Paul J. Browne asserted that the suspect—23-year-old Christian Falero—randomly "knocked on various doors in the apartment building ... and stabbed people as they answered the door." Kinda puts this guy to shame in the horror-neighbor department, no? As for a motive, Browne says there wasn't any clear one: "It just appeared to be psychotic." And as if (allegedly!) causing all that violence and tragedy weren't terrible enough, Falero also took off his clothes.

Falero is not the only supposed psycho-stabber making headlines today. Thirty-two-year-old "U.S. businessman" Tom Bradley reportedly threatened to stab the pilots of the plane he was flying in, after consuming huge quantities of alcohol. Hey, he just wanted a refill. And in Long Island, New York, a man was stabbed in the stomach and hand by another man who wanted $1 and couldn't handle rejection well.

Everybody drop the knives and sharp objects! You're all getting too carried away. I know it's still summer but it's not even that hot outside. No excuses.

[NYT, WPIX, image via The PopFilter]