Texas Governor and Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry knew exactly which organization to turn when he needed to hire a treasurer for his campaign—one that matches his almost exactly in tone: Stephen Colbert's.

Yes, that's right, the Perry campaign's new treasurer, Salvatore Purpura, is fresh off a job as treasurer of Colbert's political action committee, Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow. Colbert's super PAC is set up to exploit election law that allows him to accept and spend an unlimited amount of money, provided he doesn't coordinate with political candidates. (In Iowa, he encouraged straw poll voters to vote for "Rick Parry.")

Purpura, keenly noting that working for both Perry's campaign and AfaBTT is a "potential conflict of interest," resigned on Thursday. Colbert emailed Politico with praise for his work:

"We're not surprised. Sal is the best in the business. That's why we went with him," Colbert wrote. "We're happy for Sal and we are even happier that Governor Parry has sent the clear signal of which super PAC he trusts to receive all that unlimited money waiting to pour in on his behalf. Loud and clear, sir. Unofficially, loud and clear."

It's not really surprising that Purpura's now with Perry—he's worked for a bunch of Republican campaigns. It is hilarious, though! The punchline is "campaign finance law."

[Politico; images via AP]