Bill Clinton joked today that he was "tickled" to see Rick Perry, a "good lookin' rascal," enter the presidential contest over the weekend. He sees Perry's entrance, along with his pledge to keep the government as far away as possible from individual lives as president, as only the latest development in the 30-year campaign to discredit the federal government's ability to do good.

If you, too, have mixed opinions about Bill Clinton's legacy but nevertheless would gladly listen to him ramble for 900 hours straight, you'll get a good two minutes' worth here.

Meanwhile, the inevitable "it" — the way campaign trail reporters will come to think of themselves as close friends of Rick Perry, a Texas Cowboy with whom "you" would like to have a beer — is well underway. According to Ben Smith, reporters following Perry at the Iowa State Fair today were charmed as he questioned whether they were "tough" enough to follow him around. So badass is their new friend that he wouldn't even say whether he was carrying a gun or not. Whispers of "manly" were overheard within the pack.

[via PolitickerNY]