Remember Susan Burns, the woman "from the American CIA" who in April tried to beat up a Gauguin hung at the National Gallery of Art? Well, she got back inside the gallery somehow, and this time allegedly went nuts on a Matisse.

Court documents posted by The Smoking Gun say that on August 5, Burns walked up to "The Plumed Hat," then "grabbed both sides of the frame holding said painting and slammed the painting against the wall three times, damaging the antique original frame of the painting valued in excess of $250." The painting itself is worth $2.5 million— a lot less than "Two Tahitian Women," the $80 million Gauguin that Burns tried to destroy earlier this year. At least she's becoming price-conscious.

You might not be surprised to learn that in the wake of Burns' first art attack, she wasn't supposed to be in the museum. She even signed paperwork barring her from the gallery and grounds. Because she allegedly violated her agreement with the government, she's being charged with unlawful entry and contempt of court, in addition to felony destruction of government property. She's also supposed to be transferred to St. Elizabeth's hospital to be "monitored closely."

Given that the Gauguin depicts two women standing around with their boobs hanging out, it almost sort of makes sense that Burns would regard such artwork as "evil" and "homosexual" and want to destroy it. But there's nothing overtly homosexual or naked about the Matisse—it's just a portrait of some chick in a hat. Maybe Burns harbors prejudice against the French? She probably still uses "Freedom Fries."

[The Smoking Gun. Images via The Smoking Gun and cliff1066™/via Flickr]