[There was a video here]

Republican presidential candidate and pizza magnate Herman Cain cited the inspiring words of a "poet" during his closing statement to Thursday night's presidential debate:

"A poet once said, 'life can be a challenge, life can seem impossible, but it's never easy when there's so much on the line.'"

As the keen Pokémon fans at New York Magazine's Daily Intel point out, Cain is quoting some of the famous "sprung verse" of the Englishman Gerard Manley Hopkins.

Ha. No, actually, it's Donna Summer. And not even, like, "State of Independence" or something: These are the lyrics of "The Power of One," from the hit movie Pokémon: The Movie 2000. And it's not even the first time Cain has cited Summer—he used the same quote for his campaign announcement, and at the Republican Leadership Conference. Herm! Next time do "Sunset People"!