[There was a video here]

The Nicki Minajes and the Khloe Kardashians the world over understand that the occasional slip of the nipple on live television is an occupational hazard. It happens! In fact, it seems to happen so often these days that no one cares that much when it does. But that doesn't mean ABC is cool with what happened on Good Morning America earlier today. The network issued a statement apologizing to Minaj and viewers for the offending nipple.

"Although we had a five-second delay in place for the Nicki Minaj concert on GMA, the live East Coast feed of the concert regrettably included certain fleeting images of the performer that were taken out of later feeds of the broadcast in other time zones," an ABC spokesperson told TMZ. "We are sorry that this occurred."

Ah well, so there you have it. All's well that end's well. I'm sure Nicki will forgive them, she seems like a very forgiving person. But please feel free to watch the incident over and over again here. It's on us!