If you see a woman with a beard drawn on her face, arrest her! Immediately! She may have just robbed two banks in Alabama. And ignore her bomb threat, too.

Police believe this woman, and her "drawn-on" (with a marker?) beard, wearing held up a bank in Brookwood, Ala. on July 19 by presenting the teller with what she claimed was a bomb (it was not). You can see her above, in her man costume of "hat" and "flannel." Interestingly, her beard appears to have fooled police on the first occasion (she's described as a man in news articles about the first robbery). But not the second:

Tuscaloosa Police responded to the scene where they were told a woman with a "drawn-on" beard attempting to look like a man entered the bank and stated she had a bomb while demanding money after placing the device on the counter.


The FBI said they believe the suspect is the same female that robbed the Regions Bank in Brookwood on July 19.

The bomb in the second instance was also fake. Why the beard was less convincing the second time around is unclear.

[AL.com via The Hairpin]