Jerks in the federal government announced on Friday that they'd uprooted 468,960 pot plants and arrested some 100 people as part of a two-week long operation in the Mendocino National Forest, called "Operation Full Court Press" by authorities and "Operation What a Bunch of Assholes" by everyone else.

The feds seized "1,510 pounds of processed marijuana" as well, all of which will be tragically wasted. The operation was the fruit of complaints by Mendocino County residents that "they'd been fired upon in or near the Mendocino National Forest," presumably by marijuana farmers. "This is an intolerable situation and it has to be stopped," said U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag, referring, obviously, to the presence of marijuana in the forests and not to the War on Drugs, which we are likely to win any minute now.

[San Jose Mercury News; image of marijuana plant in Mexico via AP]