Naser Jason Abdo, a US Army Private 1st Class who had gone AWOL earlier this month from Fort Campbell in Kentucky, was arrested this week in a motel room near the Fort Hood army base in Killeen, Texas. The tip-off came from a gun store clerk who had called in a "suspicious purchase," the NY Times reports.

What police found there were materials for a military base massacre, like the one that killed 13 and wounded 29 at Fort Hood in 2009.

Among the items found:

[A] military uniform with Fort Hood patches, a pistol, shotgun shells and an article on "how to make a bomb in your kitchen" from the English-language Qaeda magazine Inspire. He also had more than one wall clock, a cellphone, duct tape and a shopping list for what appeared to be explosive components

CNN has this list of Abdo's inventory:

[S]ix pounds of smokeless powder, Christmas lights and battery operated clocks which were apparently intended to create a timing and triggering device of some type, sugar, shrapnel, pressure cooker, shot guns shells that were in the process of being dismantled to obtain their raw explosives.

Abdo had already had some national media attention last May, when he refused a deployment to Afghanistan because "his Muslim faith prevented him from serving." That led to him being granted "conscientious objector status," but his discharge was put on hold when they found 34 images of child pornography on his personal computer. [Booking photo via LAT]