Mark Anthony Richardson II was sentenced to three years in prison yesterday for pretending he was autistic and fooling two women into caring for him at their homes and changing his diaper repeatedly. What did they even charge him with?

Richardson, 21, went to two different women's homes in Oklahoma and pretended to be autistic, even going so far as to drink from a bottle and throw hissy fits to make his diaper-changing con look legit. He plead guilty to seven counts of "outraging public decency" (which sounds like a charge you make up so that you can convict weirdos of things you didn't even know were a crime until they commit them) for the seven times his diaper was changed.

Couldn't this guy just be a normal person and hire a prostitute for this? He also copped to one count of "sexual battery" for grabbing his babysitter's daughter's breast while she was asleep. This guy seriously has no boundaries whatsoever.

During the sentencing, the judge said, "You've got some issues. I understand that. But, at the same time, it's time for you to grow up." Really? Doesn't that seem a little too obvious to tell an adult baby?