Today we were once again bemoaning that everything's broke and the future is doomed. This led to a discussion of economics and politics and whatnot, which led to a good joke. Here it is!

From bytememehard:

Dumb joke: A school teacher, a Tea Partier, and a CEO are sitting at a table. In the middle of the table is a plate with a dozen cookies on it. The CEO reaches across and takes 11 cookies, then looks at the Tea Partier and says "Watch out for that teacher-she wants a piece of your cookie!"

Ha, that's good!

But of course another commenter, KevinKillion, had to come in with a counter joke:

A more accurate joke: A CEO, 8 factory workers, and a MoveOn protestor are sitting around a table. While the MoveOn protestor is ranting on about something or another, the CEO goes to the kitchen and bakes a dozen cookies. When he gets back, he keeps three of the cookies for himself, and gives one to each of the others. All of the factory workers are very happy to get a nice, fresh cookie and thank the CEO for making them. However, the MoveOn protestor is horrified, saying, "He's greedy and took three for himself! We must keep him from baking any more cookies!" The factory workers all decide to vote Republican.

Wait, what? Wouldn't the factory workers be making the cookies? Are cookies jobs? Or are they money? Are they a product? I don't get what the cookies are. And maybe that's the problem.

[Image via Shutterstock]