Upon finding out that the woman accusing former IMF chief Dominique Strauss Kahn of rape lied to a grand jury about the events following her alleged assault, the New York Post surely realized that such a complicated case required cautious, nuanced coverage. Like, say, today's front-page article: "DSK MAID A HOOKER."

Oh! Did the Post find out she played rugby, in prep school? Let's take a look and find out!

"There is information . . . of her getting extraordinary tips, if you know what I mean. And it's not for bringing extra f—king towels," a source close to the defense investigation said yesterday.

The woman was allegedly purposely assigned to the Midtown hotel by her union because it knew she would bring in big bucks.

"When you're a chambermaid at Local 6, when you first get to the US, you start at the motels at JFK [Airport]. You don't start at the Sofitel," the source said. "There's a whole squad of people who saw her as an earner."

The woman also had "a lot of her expenses — hair braiding, salon expenses — paid for by men not related to her," the source said.

That's the extent of the Post's claim, which is disputed, several paragraphs later, by a union spokesman. (But he's from a union! You can't trust those guys.) The defense refused to comment on the record.

So, we've got a single, anonymous source, "close to the defense," who implies, without ever saying, that the maid was a prostitute. Yes... we'd say that's more than enough evidence to call someone a hooker on the cover of your paper. Just another laudable Saturday-morning front page from the New York Post, America's Finest News-paper and Identifier of Whores.

[NYP; image via AP]