Can you guess who has been spotted in Lenoir County, North Carolina? That's right, it's Jesus again, in his familiar "on the crucifix" pose. (Get a new pose already, Jesus!) On toast? No, in kudzu! He is everywhere.

The Kinston Free Press reports that a "kudzu-filled telephone pole on U.S. 258 South near Ma's Hot Dog House" is the latest spot upon which god has chosen to manifest his Only Begotten Son in His image. (Click here to see a larger pic.)

Kent Hardison, who runs Ma's Hotdog House less than a half mile from the pareidolia, rides by the Christ-resembling post each day. He said when he first saw the kudzu growing he almost sprayed it with herbicide.

"I glanced at it, and it looks like Jesus," Hardison said. "I thought, ‘You can't spray Jesus with Roundup.'"

God damn right.

[Kinston Free Press via AP. Photo via]