Huguette Clark, the reclusive copper heiress who recently died at 104, left most of her $400 million estate to a new charity to promote the arts and to her nurse and friend, Hadassah Peri, according to the will filed yesterday in New York. Well, hello nurse!

The will gives Peri assets worth about $40 million. She also gets Clark's extensive doll collection, which is conceivably worth millions of dollars. Clark's goddaughter Wanda Styka will get 25 percent of the assets. Clark's Santa Barbara estate, all of her art (including pieces by Monet, Renoir, and John Singer Sargent), and the rest of her assets will go to a new charity to help promote the arts. But there were also sizable gifts of $500,000 that were left to her lawyer and accountant, who are still under investigation for possibly mismanaging Clark's estate. Still the real question we want to know is: When is the open house for her 42-room Manhattan apartment?

[Image via AP]