For reasons of vital national importance, President Obama and Speaker of House Rep. John Boehner had a foursome today with Vice President Biden and Ohio Governor John Kasich. A golf foursome. What did you think we meant?

Boehner and Obama, who were dressed like humungous lame-os, apparently won two bucks off Biden and Kasich, but the scores won't be released. (The quartet were golfing at Andrews Air Force Base.) According to "aides" who talked with Politico's Glenn Thrush, Boehner and Obama "actually had fun... [and] talked, from time to time, about the deficit though, as predicted, no deals were cut."

After the game they went to the clubhouse, where they raised glasses of blood to their master, Mammon, and visited with American service members.

[Politico; images via AP and the White House Flickr]

[images via AP]

[image via Pete Souza/The White House Flickr]