Chris Crocker became the voice of a generation by recording a video of himself sobbing underneath a blanket and exhorting "you people" to "leave Britney [Spears] alone." And now, blond locks shorn, Crocker is reportedly embarking on the next phase of his career: Porn.

Crocker can currently be found on the internet at his personal Tumblr, Second to None (not safe for work), where he posts nuggets of Crocker wisdom ("Hey. Remember that one time the president got his dick sucked by an intern? Why are we making a big deal over weiner sending pics of his junk? - Chris Crocker") in between pictures of himself in various states of undress.

These pictures seem to have garnered the attention of porn director ChiChi LaRue, who told Crocker on Twitter that she would help him "exhibit what [he] was meant to exhibit." (His sex skills, presumably.) Since then, he tells his Tumblr that he's "doing a full-length porno this summer," and that the "deal's in place."

Crocker's been up to a lot since the 21st-century "Cross of Gold" speech that was his teary defense of Britney: He had a reality show, briefly, and a music career, similarly briefly. He endorsed President Obama, on YouTube, just a few months after he quit YouTube. He made a video in which he blinked, twice, and racked up nearly eight million views. And, now, finally, a porno Tumblr. What more could any boy ask for?

[via Queerclick]