What's Opening in Theaters This Weekend

Another summer weekend, another big summer release. A Super release, even! But there are a few other movies coming out too, in case Spielbergian summer wonderment doesn't float your boat.
Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer
You know what is not a bummer? The title of this movie. Just not a bummer at all. Heather Graham is a bit of a bummer, but not enough of one to diminish the power of the movie's title. Just a great title. Anyway, this is about a girl having a great summer, duh. Heather Graham is her aunt. (Wide release)
Just Like Us
You know what's crazy? People in the Middle East like to laugh! Yeah, they are human beings who enjoy things that are funny. Fancy that. This is a documentary all about that strange, strange fact. (NY, LA, DC)
Road to Nowhere
A super low-budge noir, Road to Nowhere stars Shannyn Sossamon and is about her career. Ohh man, sorry, that's mean. But darned if she's someone who's always been about to take off but never does. Sad. Ah well, at least she got to be with Josh Hartnett when he was at his sexiest. And with Heath Ledger, twice! So I don't feel bad for her. Plus her kid's name is Audio Science. For real. So shed no tears for Shannyn Sossamon. (NY, LA next week)
Super 8
J.J. Abrams takes a stab at doing a Spielberg-style homage to youth and imagination that also incorporates big blow-'em-ups and whatnot. I'm pretty intrigued to see this, if only to find out just what the monster really is. Plus, Coach Taylor. Who doesn't love Coach Taylor? (Widest)
The Trip
British comedian Steve Coogan travels around the UK eating great food with his aggravating best friend and various hilarities ensue, including funny celebrity impressions. It's a bit like a meta-fake British Sideways. Only with far less Sandra Oh. (Limited)
A Norwegian Blair Witch-y comedy, this movie finally sheds light on a serious issue: the issue of trolls. More Norwegians die in troll attacks every year than in goblin, gnome, and elf attacks combined. Please see this important movie. (Limited)
Viva Riva!
A rare film from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Viva Riva! tells a Kinshasa-set tale of gas, guns, and gore. Regardless of the plot, I think it's pretty cool there are Congolese movies coming out at all! (Limited)