Manhattan Maid Assaults Are Getting Weirder

It's a tough(er) time to be a Manhattan hotel maid. First, DSK assaulted a maid; then that Egyptian banker assaulted a maid; by then everyone was so scared that hotels started handing out panic buttons to their workers.
The only comforting aspect of those attacks was that they at least had an easily identifiable motive. (Strumpets in sexy maid outfits totally asking for it.) But now, it seems, people are just fucking with maids for the hell of it:
Erse Britto, 30, allegedly followed the cleaning woman into a 14th-floor room at the Marriott Marquis at around 9:30 a.m. May 24 and hid in a closet.
When she opened the door, he jumped out and shoved her out of the way, cops said. Britto ran out of the hotel and punched a security guard who tried to intercept him on the sidewalk, cops said.
I bet that maid totally set him up though.