Britain's most famous old conservative lady, former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, does not appear to have time in her schedule to take a house call from Sarah Palin. Tut, tut. Whatever else shall Palin do during her upcoming trip to London? Meet with that pretender, David Cameron? One would prefer stay at home.

Palin, as previously reported, is planning a trip to England this summer, right after a quick dash to Sudan. And she laid out her hopes for the jaunt in the Sunday Times: "I am going to Sudan in July and hope to stop in England on the way. I am just hoping Mrs Thatcher is well enough to see me as I so admire her."

Poor Ms. Thatcher, 86, has dementia and is not in great physical health. But her handlers, thank god, do not have dementia and intend to "thwart" such visits from the notorious American grifter. The Independent reports that Palin will likely be denied a visit on the grounds of Thatcher's condition, and a Thatcher "ally" tells the Guardian that her only planned public appearance in the near future is to attend the unveiling of a Ronald Reagan statue outside the U.S. Embassy in London on July 4. The ally adds: "Margaret is focusing on Ronald Reagan and will attend the unveiling of the statue. That is her level." Oh ho ho! And: "Lady Thatcher will not be seeing Sarah Palin. That would be belittling for Margaret. Sarah Palin is nuts."

Coastal elite snobs: They have them in England, too.

[Images via AP]