[There was a video here]

Meagan Broussard, the 26-year-old recipient of several of Anthony Weiner's now-famous dirty messages, talked to ABC News about the singular sensation of sexting with a sitting congressman.

ABC News' Chris Cuomo went through Weiner's sexy pictures as though they were flashcards, asking Meagan to remember how it felt to receive each one:

Scary, I didn't like seeing his face. Looks like he's going to kill me.

I didn't think it was him. I thought for sure, "why would someone in that position be doing this?"

In an article accompanying a preview of the interview—the entire chat between Cuomo and Broussard airs later tonight—ABC News describes Broussard's reenactments of their flirty phone chats:

"You're an internet rat, aren't you?" Broussard said she asked him, to which Weiner just sort of giggled.

During one Facebook chat conversation, Broussard said she voiced uneasiness with the electronic relationship, to which she says Weiner replied, "you are not stalking me....I am stalking you."

In another conversation, Broussard said she asked Weiner, "Why are you so open? I said, I'm not an open book like that."

"He replied, 'I'm an open book. Maybe too open,'" she said.

Prophetic. [ABC News]

Update: TVNewser reports that ABC News paid Broussard "more than $10,000, but less than $15,000" for the story and photos she sent to Weiner.