Well, here are some new embarrassing Anthony Weiner self-pics, purportedly sent to a woman from his Blackberry in early May. They're being slowly leaked out by Andrew Breitbart all day, the tease.

The photo above is alleged to have been sent on May 4, 2011 from Weiner's AOL (!) email account, via his Blackberry. The subject line was "Me and the pussys," which means Weinergate has folded into itself and become a Mobius strip of double entendres. Another picture published on Big Government simply shows Weiner holding a piece of paper that says "me," apparently to show the woman he was the one taking the pictures.

According to proven liar Andrew Breitbart, the pics are part of a "cache of intimate photos and online communications" Weiner exchanged with a young woman—some of which is "of an extreme, graphic nature." It is odd that Breitbart would claim to have such explosive material, then only publish the least impressive pictures, although it is conceivable Breitbart simply enjoys the idea of the internet begging him to show them pictures of another man's dick.

Even if he doesn't have anything more, we are left with the fact that Weiner was emailing terrible sex-related visual puns to a woman who wasn't his wife. (Blogospheric scuttlebut whispers of even more direct messages to young ladies.) Look out for the Daily Kos blog post that proves via internet detective work that the photo was actually part of a Humane Society fundraiser or something. [Big Government]