Police in Mishawaka, Indiana were called to a local park after locals said they'd spotted a man sunbathing nude. When they arrived, they saw the glistening anatomy of one Michael Donte Booth — a self-described "jazz/lounge/R&B" singer, seen here singing Peggy Lee's "Why Don't You Do Right." Booth was "acting very unusual," police would later say, and was apparently wearing nothing but a coat of extra virgin olive oil.

According to the police report, obtained by The Smoking Gun, Booth's "shorts and underwear" were spotted lying several feet away from the blanket on which he was laying with "his entire genitals showing."

Nearby, officers found the book "Gay Power," a "Kroger bottle of extra virgin olive oil," two cans of Miller, and Marlboro cigarettes.

When confronted by the cops, a smiling Booth replied, "I'm from New York. Can't I do this here?" (Which is now my default response to everything.) Booth was then cuffed, covered, and hauled away to face public indecency and intoxication charges. He's currently in jail in lieu of posting a $200 bond.

The streets of Indiana: Still less forgiving than the 6 train. [TSG, video via YouTube]