Earlier this month, an anonymous Twitter user caused an uproar for tweeting rumors that hadn't surfaced in the press previously because of the gag laws—known as "superinjunctions"—that British celebs use to squash embarrassing stories. Now, a professional soccer player—sorry, "footballer," is suing not just every Twitter user who named him, but the entire company. This should be fun.

The account, @injunctionsuper, tweeted that "Footballer Ryan Giggs had an extramarital affair with Big Brother star Imogen Thomas which lasted for 7 months." Now, someone with the initials CTB (presumably Giggs) is suing "Twitter inc and persons unknown" in a British court for publishing the information. It's supposedly the first lawsuit against Twitter over something one of its users posted, and could encompass thousands of users who retweeted @injunctionsuper's unsourced allegation.

Twitter users are fighting back by trying to make Ryan Giggs' name trend—hundreds are tweeting: "Ryan Giggs is suing twitter. I can't Imogen why." Conspiracy theorists think Twitter has blocked his name from trending topics. This guy is going to lose so badly, and be the subject of so many hilarious hashtags. His name may trend forever. [Guardian, image via Getty]