Remember when John "Evil Ned Flanders" Bolton, the pickled death mustache who used to represent America at the United Nations, was yammering about a possible run for president, just so he could bomb Iran? He still hasn't made up his mind. Well, keep taking your time! No one's hurrying you.

Bolton is taking his campaign that no one cares about straight to the voters of New Hampshire, where they don't care either. Politico reports:

Bolton is scheduled to address the Nashua Republican City Committee on Sept. 8. The former United Nations ambassador, who says he's mulling a run but has done next-to-nothing to build a national political infrastructure, would have little time after that to pull the trigger. The New Hampshire filing deadline for presidential candidates is just weeks later.

Another problem he might run into, even if he signs up before the filing deadline: No one cares. Aside from that, who knows!

[Image via AP]