Armed, Mumbling Lunatic Washes Up on Beach

In normal times, America prefers to confine its armed mumbling lunatics to gun show parking lots and Roger Ailes' house. These are not normal times. Now, armed mumbling lunatics are washing up on our nation's beaches, mumbling and armed.
The New York Post reports that Gary Smith was strolling along Jones Beach yesterday when he came upon a soaking wet 300-pound man wearing a garbage bag wandering the boardwalk in a daze. "He didn't look quite right," said Smith.
In Brooklyn, sure, just another wet obese garbage bag-wearer. But on the beach?
The babbling seafarer, Pablo Perez, told Smith he'd been stranded on a raft at sea for the past three days. Then he said he had a gun. Later, the police "had to cut the gun out of Perez's black wetsuit." Was it a garbage bag, or a wet suit? We don't know, because he had a gun. What we do know is that Perez is now in jail.
Is that any way to treat the man that killed bin Laden???