Today we heard the story of a Pennsylvania pastor who totally lied about being a Navy SEAL. Uh oh! What a dumb thing to do, end of story. Though at least one good thing came out of this: an opportunity for a good seal joke.

From EddieTheDane:

This reminds me of a joke

A penguin decides he's gonna take a drive downtown for some vanilla ice cream, cuz everyone knows penguins love vanilla ice cream. On the way into town he hears a strange knocking sound coming from under the hood of his car. Concerned, he pulls into the service station at the edge of town and tells the mechanic about the noise.
"Leave it here for 45 minutes and I'll take a look and see if i can figure out what's wrong," the mechanic tells him.

So, the penguin heads into town with some time to kill and vanilla ice cream on his mind. When he finally gets to the ice cream store, he orders a full 5 gallon tub of vanilla ice cream, cuz everyone knows that penguins are voracious eaters. Since he has no opposable thumbs, the penguin starts digging into the tub with his flippers, quickly turning his flippers, his beak, his chest, and most of the sidewalk into a white mess, cuz everyone knows penguins are slobs.

Pretty soon, he gets to the bottom of the tub, and, exhausted and sticky, he waddles back out of town to the service station, and when he gets there he sees that the mechanic is looking under the hood of his car. So, the penguin waddles over and asks the mechanic,
"Did you figure out what the problem is?"
And the mechanic pulls his head out from under the hood, looks at the penguin and tells him.
"You blew a seal"
To which the penguin replies
"No, no, no. It's just vanilla ice cream"

So maybe this is an old one, but I've never heard it, and that's all that matters. Blew a seal. Heh.

[Image via Shutterstock]