[There was a video here]

Do you or someone you love suffer from "E-Hoarding?" No, because it is a disease made up by a Florida news station desperately grasping for something to put in front of their reality-TV-addled viewers faces. (Aren't there any horrific sex crimes down there you guys should be covering?)

This guy, Larry Fisher, has six computers because, he says, "I don't want to get rid of the files." The essential problem here is not "E-Hoarding"; it is "regular hoarding" plus "not knowing how computers work." Someone needs to tell Fisher that a 1 Terabyte external hard drive costs less than $100 these days. 1 terabyte should be more than enough for the thousands of hilarious forwarded emails and sexxy pics of Green Bay Packers cheerleaders that undoubtedly clog Larry's aging laptops. [NBC Miami via the Awl]