With just six posts, an anonymous gossip became one of Britain's most controversial Twitter users this weekend. A nation is scandalized: The British have discovered that false rumors can be spread on the internet!

To Americans, InjunctionSuper's account is not very impressive: six tweets of entirely un-sourced rumors about celebrities we've never heard of. That's basically TMZ on an off day. (OMG: "comedian/actor David Schneider is into BDSM".)

But InjunctionSuper, who started tweeting just yesterday, has caused an uproar in the UK because they flout ridiculous and much-maligned laws that let celebrities and corporations squash annoying rumors. See, in the UK, people can get gag orders known as "superinjunctions," which prevent the press not only from reporting a story but even reporting the existence of the gag order.

InjunctionSuper claims to be outing those celebrities who have been granted superinjunctions, along with the details of the story they're gagging. One of the most explosive rumors is that TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson has taken out an injunction to censor "intimate photos" of him and socialite Jemima Khan. This morning, Khan tweeted "I've woken up trapped in a bloody nightmare." Khan's lawyer is hyperventilating that the "miscreant" behind the account can "expect to spend a very long time in Pentonville [prison]".

Oh, precious England, Where a rumor spread by a random Twitter user is a "bloody nightmare" worthy of imprisonment in the Tower of London. Don't British celebrities have publicists to bat down rumors, or is this thought to be a crass American invention beneath their dignity?

InjunctionSuper has shown how absurd British gag laws are, now that any person from anywhere in the world can start tweeting rumors. (After all, since the press is banned from even reporting on the existence of a superinjunction, there's no real way to fight a rumor about one.) And the thousands of people retweeting InjunctionSuper's gossip have been engaged in a sort of protest, too, since they are technically in contempt of court.


[Image via Getty]