A video that was shot last January in Phoenix — showing police officer Patrick Larrison shove a 15-year-old girl into a wall after she'd been in a drunken altercation with her mother in a strip mall parking lot — has surfaced and is causing some commotion in the city. When a colleague of Larrison's saw the video this week they alerted superiors at the Phoenix Police Department, which has since put Larrison on paid leave pending an investigation. Sgt. Trent Crump told the AP, "At face value, the video is concerning to us."

Also at face value, it looks like police brutality from here. Yes, she's drunk and being obnoxious. She's also 15. The quick run down and slam by Larrison happens around the 1:50 mark in the video above. Read the YouTube comments at your own risk! Or don't read them at all (which is our suggestion).