Today we heard the frustrating story of a Texas public high school teacher who mocked a Muslim student in the wake of the bin Laden hoopla. Sigh, many said. Texas. This then got some folks angry. Let's take a look at the foofaraw.

From thekidscallmemom:

For those of you who are upset that people are picking on Texas in this case... really?

Because this is the SAME STATE with a Board of Education that passed ridiculous textbook standards last year, based on conservative identity politics. Standards that call into question the separation of church and state. Standards that position America as a divinely inspired Christian nation. Standards that remove Thomas Jefferson from a list of writers influencing 18th century revolutions and replaces him with Thomas Aquinas and John Calvin. Standards that do not require that "students learn that the Constitution prevents the U.S. government from promoting one religion over all others." Standards that cover the Moral Majority, but not minority rights groups of the same period or the role of Tejanos at the Alamo.

I think this sort of thing COULD happen anywhere but it doesn't surprise me one whit that it happened in a Texas school. The standards and example the Texas Board of Ed is setting for their educators don't exactly encourage tolerance on the basis of race or religion.

Yeah, right! Fuck Texas!

To which (well not directly to which, but you know) diasdiem responded:

Reading all this just makes me angry. It's so disgusting that people say such horrible things to and about a group of people because of the actions of a few assholes in that group. It's sad that these ignorant people can't understand that the extremists are not representative of the entire group. That demonizing and painting them all with the same brush gives unjust injury to the many members of that group who do not espouse or embrace the stereotypes. And fail to recognize that these same things they decry are not unique and can happen with any group, even their own.

So, as one of many, many Texans who are not ultra-conservatives, religious fundamentalists, pro death penalty, anti-choice, homophobes or racial and ethnic bigots, to all you Gawkers who take glee in the opportunity every negative article that so much as mentions Texas gives you to stroke your Texas hate-on: Screw you too.

Oh. Oh right. That's 'Cause that's like what the whole story was about. Oops.

So... ASPECTS of Texas suck. But not all TEXANS sucks. Are we all fair now?

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