Police in San Bruno, California on Friday responded to a burglary call after neighbors spotted two men busting down the door of a home shared by two little old ladies. Officers arrested the men down the road carrying $12,000 in cash, plastic baggies and seven hits of ecstasy. But when they returned to the scene of the crime, police found a marijuana jungle.

Inside the house they found some 800 marijuana plants and an illegal electricity bypass that was tapped into a Pacific Gas and Electric line. How crafty. The residents, Aleen Lam — a very young looking 72-years-old, we might add — and and Virginia Chan Pon, who's 65 and has nice hair, were arrested and are being held pending $100,000 bail each that must be proved "legitimate." DA Steve Wagstaffe spoke with the San Francisco Chronicle about the crime:

"I have never seen or heard of women in their 60s and 70s running a grow house," Wagstaffe said. "I certainly hope it is aberrational rather than a trend. I suppose profiteering in illegal enterprises crosses all the generations."

Seriously, 800 plants! Not bad, ladies.

[Lam and Pon images via San Mateo County Sheriff]