Today we put our heads in our hands as Dilbert creator Scott Adams went further down the rabbit hole of stupidity by ineptly defending Gwyneth Paltrow, talking about privilege and opportunity and all that thorny stuff. What is it about privilege that makes talking about it so hard? Probably it's because lots of people don't know they've had it.

From theballgirl:

I had this bf once. Sweet, kind, charming and would regularly surprise me with everything from flowers to some shirt I mentioned offhand that I loved. Just a nice, generous guy. It was pretty obvious from the get-go that he was well-off, although I tried not to let it define him to me. As time went on, his wealth became more overt when it was revealed that his family owned not 2 but 8 houses, around the world, and, oh ya, his dad had a jet and like, nine million cars. Phew. Fast forward a few months and we're discussing whether he should finance a movie project that a production company (?) sent him. I remarked something offhand, akin to "Wow, it must be so crazy to realize how lucky you are to come from a family like yours and be given these types opportunities." This utterance was met with a straightening of his back and shifting in his chair. After an uncomfortable 10 seconds or so, he whipped his head around at me, longish rich guy hair flying around, and replied deadpan: "I worked hard for everything that I have. My family has nothing to do with the opportunities I have been given."

And scene.

[Image via Shutterstock]