Remember that embarrassing PR email blast urging ladies to "Pamper yourself or your mom with the comfort she deserves this Mother's Day"? Turns out it was the error of the most tragic PR intern ever. PRNewser reports:

According to [Replens parent company marketing director Kristin] Stewart, the company puts out a regular newsletter that discusses a variety of topics that impact the typical Replens customer, who, Stewart told us, "tends to be older and menopausal." Content skews towards general interest, Stewart continued, with the occasional mention of the company's products or a coupon.

An intern at the firm thought they could come up with a pitch that went "beyond content for the newsletter," Stewart continued. A draft of the pitch was supposed to be vetted by the client. There was a misunderstanding and the intern went ahead and sent it to the brand's blogger list.

And here I thought Replens' wit was as dry as its customers' vaginas are wet.

But the news isn't all bad! Stewart says the accidental email "started conversations in places where we wouldn't normally have conversations. Women who are suffering with problems should be able to talk about them." Spoken like a true female hygiene spin doctor. (Spinecologist?) [PRNewser]


Give the GIft of a Moist Vagina for Mother's Day