House Speaker John Boehner has a message for Mexicans: Drop dead. No, we're sure he loves the Mexicans. But not enough to throw them, and Americans of Mexican heritage, a Capitol Hill party for Cinco de Mayo.

The Hill reports on this latest front in the War on Fun: "In a reversal of congressional tradition, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has decided not to host a reception next month to mark Cinco de Mayo, according to his spokesman." But that doesn't mean he won't let Mexican-ish members of Congress throw their own doo-da: "Boehner has encouraged the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to host the event."

Some are likely to agree with The Hill's assertion that "the reasons behind the reversal are likely political, reflecting the tougher stance on immigration reflected in the new Republican House majority." I'm sure we'll get an official statement about needing to "tighten our belts" or whatever, though.

[Image via AP]