You're not handling this well, America.

The number of babies hospitalized for non-accidental head trauma - a form of child abuse previously known as shaken baby syndrome - doubled during the recent recession, according to the study by researchers at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital in Cleveland.

Just cause mama's stressed doesn't make it the baby's fault. Just cause daddy's stressed doesn't make it the baby's fault. Just cause granda and grandma and the rest of the extended family forced to move in with mama and daddy due to the tough economic environment are stressed doesn't make it the baby's fault. There's really no limit to the number of times you should repeat this, America. Preferably while staring aimlessly into a mirror and rocking slightly back and forth as your face twitches and only a flickering candle illuminates your shadowy hovel.

[USA Today; photo via Shutterstock]