When we heard you could "rent" the tiny country of Liechtenstein for $70,000 a night, we were imagining all the residents packing up their stuff in covered wagons and heading to Switzerland. But actually it's more like just having a crazy party there.

Here's the promotional blog post from Airbnb, a company that rents furnished apartments to travelers:

The possibilities for customizing the experience are almost endless - rename city streets and town squares, print your own temporary currencies, carve logos or names into the snow on the mountainside - and that is just the tip of the iceberg. The mayors and marching bands can welcome you with a custom medieval festival and present you the key to the city, or perhaps a wine tasting event at a Prince's estate followed by a fireworks show is more your style.

Possibilities are "endless?" OK, what about changing laws to make marriage between a man and a goat legal? What about launching a program to send the cast of Scream into space, or signing a peace treaty with North Korea? Didn't think so. Here's a suggestion: If you have enough money to waste $70,000 a night on this bullshit, you should instead just buy few senators back home in the States.

[via TheNextWeb; image via Shutterstock]