The historic Bieber-Bibi Summit—in which Canadian and Israeli dreamboats Justin Bieber and Benjamin Netanyahu were to meet over danishes to discuss hair products and the Middle East—is over before it even began. But just who failed to be the mensch in this situation is still up for debate.

The Prime Minister had said it was Bieber who requested the meeting, and then quickly summoned a group of Gaza schoolchildren affected by the recent violence in that region. Citing "logistical reasons," Bieber's camp nixed that plan, and then Netanyahu called off the tête-à-tête soon after.

Bieber has also been complaining via Twitter of the relentless paparazzi following his every move (see one take a swipe at his motorbike in the embedded video):

You would think paparazzi would have some respect in holy places. All I wanted was the chance to walk where jesus did here in isreal.

Then, a few minutes later:

Staying in the hotel for the rest of the week u happy?

Reading these, I'm struck by how lucky we all were that Jesus never had access to a Twitter account. Can you imagine how many times he'd have publicly thrown in the towel over poorly managed crowd control? [NYT]