In case you missed it, today was the 17th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's death, a solemn occasion best commemorated by a visit to Jared Leto's blog, Notes From the Outernet. Take it away, Jared!

I heard today was the day Kurt passed away 17 years ago. Can't believe it's been that long...This made me recall a short piece of film I shot when I heard they were making a film celebrating his life. I made it to explore the character and explore creative possibilities. I never sent it to the studio or to anyone but thought I'd share it now…

And what do we think of Leto's self-financed audition creative exploration of his artistic hero? Smells like Oscar spirit! But, as one commenter was quick to point out, wasn't it Cobain himself who said, "Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are?" [via ONTD]