Beware Joe Biden! He storms into town, Motorcade of Death demolishing everything in its path. But sometimes the havoc hits even before he arrives. Biden's goons stuffed a reporter in a closet in Florida yesterday to keep him from speaking with guests at a fundraiser he was covering.

Heroic Orlando Sentinel reporter Scott Powers was assigned to be the pool reporter for a fundraiser appearance by Biden on behalf of Senator Bill Nelson at a rich guy's house in Florida. But he arrived before Biden did, so a staffer ordered him into the closet to keep him from interacting with guests who had donated $500 to be there and no doubt were discussing the impending Reptilian takeover of America. Then he stood guard to make sure Powers didn't sneak out.

Luckily Powers kept his wits about him, snapped the picture above and sent it into his bosses at the Sentinel, documenting the Obama administration's muffling of the press. He was let out for about half an hour to hear Biden speak, then got put right back in the closet! The only fair thing now is for Biden to spend his next fundraiser in a closet. [Daily Mail, Orlando Sentinel]

Update: Biden's team has apologized, sort of: "Scott - You have our sincere apologies for the lack of a better hold room today." Yeah... but what about the stuffing him in a closet part?