What's Opening in Theaters This Weekend

Now that the weekend is finally here, why don't you enjoy your time out of the office by getting some exercise? Just kidding. Go see movies! Opening this weekend are a Palestinian drama, a wimpy comedy, and hot chicks with guns.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules
The sequel to the popular kids movie (based on a book series) has our hapless protagonist Greg learning about life from his cool older brother Rodrick. There are poopy pants jokes and burp jokes and Rachael Harris and Steve Zahn looking vaguely unhappy. (Wide release)
This is hilarious romp about an undocumented Russian immigrant living in Belgium who gets found out and goes on the lam to find her missing son, also on the lam. Sounds hysterical, right?? And not at all timely! Sigh. (NY)
Julian Schnabel's film — about a young Palestinian orphan (Freida Pinto) taken in by Hind Husseini and, in her teenage years, getting caught up in the First Intifada — has drawn inevitable criticism from various Israeli groups and, unfortunately, only middling reviews. Still, it's an important subject that doesn't get very much coverage here in the US, so I'm glad it's finally being released. (well, only in NY & LA)
Peep World
A quirky cast (Sarah Silverman, Judy Greer, Taraji P. Henson, Rainn Wilson, Lesley Ann Warren) stars in this Deconstructing Harry-esque tale of a young man who writes a book about his dysfunctional family that sells big, and thus pisses off his dysfunctional family. It looks like pretty well-trod indie territory, but that great cast (Michael C. Hall, Ron Rifkin, did I mention Lesley Ann Warren?) is hard to resist. (Limited release)
Catherine Deneuve and Gérard Depardieu star in this comedy directed by François Ozon. I didn't realize Ozon was making movies these days that aren't psychosexual thrillers starring Charlotte Rampling, but apparently he is! Eat that, Under the Sand! Anyway, Potiche is about a bored 1970s housewife who ends up running her hsuband's umbrella factory after the workers stage a good old fashioned labor revolt. So it's Norma Rae, only funny, colorful, and French-Belgian! (NY)
Sucker Punch
Zack Snyder continues to trade on, and diminish, the promise he showed in Dawn of the Dead with this dream-world fantasy about hot babes shooting guns and wearing schoolgirl outfits. It's received some pretty scathing reviews so far, so maybe after this and Superman, people will stop giving Snyder all this money to make all this garbage. (Wide)
White Irish Drinkers
A gritty drama about all the parties at my high school two adolescents living in Brooklyn and getting involved in crime, White Irish Drinkers is most notable for having a doubly redundant title. Just call it Irish and be done with it! Haha, Irish jokes. Sorry. (Limited)