Bristol Palin's new boyfriend Giacinto "Gino" Paoletti seems like a real salt-of-the-earth fellow. He's a believer, so Sarah must love him. Except he makes fun of people with Down syndrome and thinks reality TV shows about Alaska suck.

"He's a good guy," Bristol said of Paoletti to E!. "He's a family guy. He's a Christian. We have all the same religious beliefs and our families both come first in our lives." Giacinto is an outdoorsy laborer with a strong back—he works for a company called Refrigeration Unlimited—who fits right into the Palin family's carefully cultivated self-image as a brutal clan of white frontier warriors. And according to his Facebook commentary, he thinks it's cool to call people "nigga" and laughs about having sex with overweight developmentally disabled women.

Paoletti seems to have taken down his Facebook page sometime last night (the page still exists, but you can no longer find it through Facebook search and he is no longer listed publicly on his friends' pages), but not before a tipster sent us some screenshots of some of his comments. Here are some that Sarah might not like:

In this one, Paoletti—who, as an Alaskan of Italian heritage, is stupendously white—recontextualizes the painful history of racial terror in this country by bravely appropriating the oppressor's language and calling his bros "nigga."

And here is family-friendly Paoletti in a delightfully witty back-and-forth with a compatriot about whether or not his pal Joby Higgins would have sex with with a hypothetical "future gf" who is "250 and has down sindrome" (we assume that's 250 pounds, because fat chicks are funny!). Paoletti judged the prospect to be likely: "hahahaha joby would slayyyy that." Yes! Joby would totally have sex with a 250-pound mentally and physically challenged lady! Hilarious.

And here he is seeming to lump Sarah Palin's reality TV show into a category called "Idiot's of Alaska." In a discussion about a show called "Alaska Gold," a friend (quite accurately!) called Palin an "idiot running for vice-presidency," a provocation to which Paoletti responded, in summary: "Ha ha you should totally start a Facebook page about that."