When Justin Timberlake was preparing to play Napster inventor and early Facebook investor Sean Parker in The Social Network, he asked for the real-life Parker's help and was famously rebuffed. Makes sense: Post-Social Network, Parker isn't happy at all with his newfound fame.

Parker, whose hard-partying antics have long entertained the technorati, sat down with the Financial Times for lunch. There, he dished about being immortalized as a scheming womanizer by Timberlake and Aaron Sorkin's Oscar-winning Social Network script.

Like Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Parker was quick to point out that both the story and his character were completely made up. But he also let slip that the portrayal still pissed him off:

The film did make him famous, I point out. Surely that has its uses? Parker contests that. "If you Google me, every five minutes someone will talk about me and they will say, ‘That guy is a jerk', or ‘He's an asshole' and then strangely every once in a while someone will say, ‘That guy's so awesome'. I'm, like, Uuuggh. I was perfectly capable of doing what I wanted in my life without this."

Later in the lunch, Parker frets over a recent gossip item about how he's a terrible tipper in the New York Post. (Which brings up the question: If he hates all the attention, why does he obsessively keep up with it?)

Zuckerberg has gamely laughed off the movie, which many have seen as ultimately boosting his image. Nobody's gong to say that about Sean Parker, who still hasn't settled down since Napster went bust. But he shouldn't feel too bad. While the Social Network got beaten out for the best picture Oscar, Parker's stake in Facebook is still worth $2 billion.

[image via Getty]