What's Opening in Theaters Today

March truly marks the beginning of the spring movie season, with the first slate of big-budget movies leading the way to massive summer. But that's all next week (Battle: Los Angeles!). This week we're still in smaller winter movie territory, with Matt Damon's magical hats, Topher Grace's '80s throwback, and Mary-Kate Olsen's beastly revenge.
The Adjustment Bureau
Matt Damon and Emily Blunt star in this romantic sci-fi thriller about a couple trying to get used to the new dresser they just bought at West Elm. No, no. It's all about fate, if it exists and who controls it if it does. Damon and Blunt decide their love is worth challenging the universe's plan, so they go on the run from Roger Sterling and his band of behatted world-controllers. (Wide release)
Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman are back in the motion picture event of the year, a feature-length movie based on the hit CBS series Beauty and the Beast. Will Catherine and Vincent ever be able to love out in the open? Will the wicked Paracelsus ever get his comeuppance? Find out in this exciting romance, opening today at Showcase cinemas nationwide! Sigh, I wish. No, this is just that teen thing where Alex Pettyfer's pretty, then ugly, then he meets Troy Bolton's girlfriend and they fall in love. Whatever. (Wide)
This is a low-budget horror movie about a small boy kidnapped by a psychopath and forced to watch and participate in the torture and murder of young women. Ugh. Sure, go see it if you're so inclined. Ugh. (Limited)
The guy from How I Wore Out My Welcome directs and stars in this wisty romance drama comedy about young(ish) people figuring things out and thinking about the movie Garden State. It was an audience favorite at Sundance, but the critics have been less enthralled. (Limited)
I Saw the Devil
This is the latest entry in the brutalist Korean horror/revenge/really gross violence genre, this one about a secret agent tracking down the serial killer that killed his fiance. Maybe it's the same guy from Bereavement and we can kill two birds with one stone. (Limited)
Johnny Depp plays a weird little lizard who becomes the weird little sheriff of a weird little town in this weird little movie. The kids will like it. Some of the adults will too, I'm guessing? Anyway. Rango, ladies and gentleman. (Wide)
Take Me Home Tonight
Topher Grace stars in this comedy set in the 1980s about a bored guy who works at a video store and likes a girl and blah blah. Look. The '80s thing. I thought we were done with this? Enough with the movies set in the '80s just so you can make jokes about doing '80s things and playing '80s songs and wearing '80s clothes. It's the new millennium, man! Step into the now. Or at least start doing '90s comedies, with like people driving Dodge Neons and talking about how cool Daisy Fuentes is. That I would watch. This? I just don't know that there are any more jokes to be made. (Wide)