Lady Gaga Gives Terry Richardson the Finger: A 7-Part Odyssey

Arriving in Toronto for a concert, Lady Gaga stopped for a quick photo shoot with Terry Richardson. [Image via INF]

Toronto is very far from from Gaga's native planet in Galaxy Sparkleminipenis, so it took her a while to get there and meet Terry. [Image via INF]

So, after seven light years of space travel in her intergalactic firetruck, peeing into empty stardust bottles and mooning passing UFOs, Gaga finally arrived. [Image via INF]

There would be no rest, though, not even for her feet, which had swollen during the long flight. [Image via INF]

Lady Gaga: Hello, Terry! I have toiled for eons to be here; traveled through 27 time warps; sold my uterus, ovaries, and left kidney; and murdered my own first born just so I could make it to this far-flung cement locale to be photographed by the great Terry Richardson!" [Image via INF]

Terry Richardson: (Sings child molester song.) [Image via INF]